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Sri Aurobindo, an Indian philosopher and sage of the highest order, tells us that "An evolution of consciousness is the central motive of terrestrial existence." 1  The evolution of consciousness is also the evolution of the soul, both on the individual level and the Universal level.


Those who have explored the ancient philosophy of the East or the modern physics of the West are aware of the strange concepts and ideas being expressed. They will have a head start in recognizing the intuitive beauty of the parallels. Yet the most important and exciting ideas can be grasped by anyone who is interested in exploring the deepest mysteries of the Universe. No doubt it will require some mental gymnastics. A little geometry, however, can be of considerable help with that.

Our worldview is typically based on logic and objective reason, but it turns out that those deepest mysteries of the Universe challenge the very foundation of that worldview. Today's physics, for example, shows us that to think of the Universe as being composed of separate particles scattered around in space is actually a limited view of an underlying unified state of reality. The experience of separateness does indeed seem to be illusory, just as sages and mystics have been telling us since before we can remember.

The Metaphysics of Nondualism

The synthesis of scientific and spiritual thought, which has actually been happening for a very long time, requires (1) the recognition that science has already transcended the physical world, and (2) that spiritual reality be understood at the metaphysical level. At the same time, metaphysics deals with universal principles which naturally transcend religious dogma and help us get beyond the idea of a personified Creator. Of course, everyone must follow their own path to spiritual realizations.

The central principle of the great wisdom of the East is Nondualistic Mysticism: There is only one True Reality, and That never changes. It is a single state of Reality, transcendental, timeless, formless. Ultimately, there is only that One Reality.

transcendental, yet omnipresent
timeless, yet the source of spacetime
formless, yet the creative essence of all form

The physical Universe is merely a fragmented and transient expression of that One Reality. In essence, transcendental unity is the primary state of existence. It is Spirit. It is Consciousness. Although we in the West tend to refer to it as Eastern philosophy, the mystical foundation is common to all spiritual traditions and has been better referred to as the Ancient Wisdom.

It has long been pointed out that this vision of Oneness from the ancient teachings seems to find a modern parallel in science's vision of a Universal Superforce which creates everything. The most exciting aspect of the parallel, however, is the way in which one discipline can help us to understand the other. For those seekers of spiritual understanding not willing to ignore what science has learned, a modern metaphysical system of understanding is invaluable.

Of course, no metaphysical system can represent the transcendental in its true form. By definition, transcendental reality is unknowable, and to attribute any form whatsoever to the One Reality is idolatry. A metaphysical system is merely a tool to help bring forth realizations of those higher realities which cannot be fully represented in three-dimensional space, let alone on a two-dimensional page.


To help get a handle on the metaphysics of Nondualism, it is key to realize that the Ultimate Reality of Transcendental Unity is not anywhere ‘out there’ in physical space. The higher dimensions of depth-consciousness are within us in the same way that the higher dimensions of physics are within every atom, and as higher dimensions are reached, higher states of unification are realized. More than a mere parallel, this is where physics and metaphysics actually coincide and reflect each other.

It is important to keep in mind that the lower dimensions are created by the higher dimensions. In fact, as a lower dimension such as the physical plane is transcended, it is recognized as being simply a limited and conditional experience of higher dimensions. From the perspective of a higher dimension, the lower dimensions have no real substance unto themselves because "each higher dimension includes the lower ones by coordinating its elements in a wider and more intricate structure of relationships." (Lama Govinda 2) Creation is a continous 'flow' from the higher dimensions, creating what we experience as the lower dimensions, such as the physical.

Like the surface of a sphere with multiple internal layers, the dimension we know as the physical world with our physical body is simply an outer shell created by higher-dimensional realities, with the central singularity shining forth as the highest dimension, the source of all that is. If the CosmicLight of that highest dimension were to suddenly blink out, the entire Universe would just as suddenly cease to exist.

Words and Traditions

Reference to the Sanskrit classics, such as the Vedas (The Knowledge, The Wisdom) and the Upanishads, is particularly useful because their metaphysical foundation is well-preserved and the terminology is familiar to those who have studied philosophy and comparative religion. Brahman and Atman, for example, refer to the Universal Spirit and the individual spirit, or to Universal Consciousness and individual consciousness. In the nondualism of Advaita Vedanta, the Atman, our spirit and seed of consciousness, is an integral part of Brahman, much like how a ring on a sphere is an integral part of the sphere. The ring is a full dimension less than the sphere and has no reality whatsoever without the sphere.

In the Hebrew mystical tradition of the Kabbalah, the equivalent to Brahman is called Ein-Sof (The Endless One). It should be understood that the underlying principles are universal and are the same for all spiritual traditions. Similarly, all bioforms that happen to share our Universe are, by necessity, part of the same Universal Lifeforce that we are. This becomes obvious as the metaphysical realities and essential Oneness of the Universe are understood.

The state of reality represented by Brahman (Ein-Sof) transcends even the Creator God, Brahma (Yahweh, derived from the Tetragrammaton IHVH, YHVH, YHWH), and contains all three aspects of the Hindu Trinity, the Trikaya, within itself. Brahman is simultaneously Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva, Creator-Preserver-Transformer, while remaining unchanged (as the Godhead, all three modes of Godhood in one). Obviously, this requires an understanding which goes beyond the idea of 'theological deities with bodies' toward purely abstract mystical principles.

As represented by the simple geometric beauty of the Roman Pantheon, a higher truth underlies all the anthropomorphized body forms of theology. Recognizing this more abstract level of spiritual understanding as being more real is called nontheism (which is not atheism) and is characteristic of Buddhism, for example, and metaphysics in general.


In Western terms, and in the language of metaphysical philosophy, the Greek word Logos has been used to refer to the creative property of the transcendental Mythos. By definition, Logos (Om, the Word, Lifeforce) is the perfect expression of Mythos, and is therefore also known as the ideal 'object' of meditation.

Logos is the First Cause of Creation ("In the beginning was the Word, ..." Christian Bible, John 1:1), as well as the creative polarity which defines the laws of physics and makes everything happen. We experience it constantly. With the creation process recognized as continuous, the philosophical notion of First Cause does not refer to a time-bound phenomenon that happened in the past, but rather to the timeless (continuous and unchanging) creative cause of the Universe.

At the metaphysical level, Logos has the intrinsic property of polarity, the dynamic essence of force, the perfect expression of Mythos. The realization of Logos, in its transcendental wholeness, implies the existence of the otherwise unknowable Mythos. Geometrically thinking, if Logos was a sphere, Mythos would be its central point. As metaphysical principles, Mythos and Logos are equivalent to the first and second bodies of the Trikaya, inseparable aspects of the One Reality. (”… and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” John 1:1).

The Way of Jnana Yoga

In the Western world, the term yoga has become associated mainly with posture-based exercises for fitness and stress relief. The Sanskrit word yoga literally means yoking or union, and in its primary and classical sense, refers to a system of practice meant to help one reconnect with the inner spirit, recognizing it as one's primary reality and its timeless unity with the One Reality.

The study of metaphysics, and even conventional physics, provides insight along the path of Jnana Yoga, one of the three classical yoga paths mentioned in the Bhagavad Gita:  Bhakti Yoga (the way of devotion, worship), Karma Yoga (the way of action, good works), and Jnana Yoga (the way of knowledge, intellect).

The knowledge referred to by Jnana Yoga is spiritual wisdom, primarily the discrimination between what is illusion and what is real, between the transient material world and the unchanging ultimate Reality. Traditionally, such knowledge is attained by deep meditation on the scriptures, particularly the Upanishads. Today, modern physics can also offer insights and realizations into the true nature of the Universe and our ultimate oneness with all of Creation which profoundly affect spiritual awareness and the individual soul.

Devotional ritual and compassion are important in their own right, of course, but a lack of metaphysical education over the ages, especially in the West, has resulted in an intolerance between devotional paths. Most disturbing is the absence of metaphysical understanding and obvious lack of any mystical experience among religious teachers and clergy. It is fortunate and ironic that the birth of science and the age of reason in the West would eventually lead to a rebirth of metaphysical knowledge and a new way with which to share it.

The Geometry of Nondualism

The mathematics of Relativity and quantum physics is multi-dimensional and complex, yet it describes a reality which is fundamentally simple and based on geometry -- the geometry of quantum fields within the geometry of spacetime. As a representation of reality, geometry is arguably even more fundamental than the mathematics which describes it. The geometry of spacetime existed long before Einstein developed the equations of Relativity.

Today, we are all familiar with the fact that the bodies we find ourselves living in are made of countless atoms forged eons ago in the nuclear furnaces of the stars. These atoms, in turn, are composed of the primordial quanta born in the first stages of the Big Bang itself. The entire history of the Universe is encoded into the most basic components of our bodies, so as strange as it may seem, we are actually not far removed from the beginning of the Universe even at this very moment.

“All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force.” (Max Planck)  As convenient as it is for science to think of the universe as being composed of separate particles scattered around in empty space, this classical view of things simply does not provide a complete picture of the way things are.


The theoretical core of modern physics deals with Unified Field Theories which attempt to express the four fundamental forces of the Universe as aspects of a single Universal Superforce. With subtle differences, they all share the same key principles of Relativity and quantum physics. Which model is 'most correct' is probably not as important as the realization of universal oneness to which they all point.

Fortunately, an understanding of the mathematics is not necessary to develop an intuitive feel for the concepts involved. Geometry can be used as a very effective tool to represent the most profound scientific and mystical principles. Using multi-dimensional models we can visualize how separate atoms are actually unified in the quantum realm, and how our entire universe radiates from a single point in a higher dimension, a timeless Universal Singularity realized both in the zero-point Superforce of unified field physics and in the time-zero of Big Bang cosmology.

The Gnostics of the 12th Century had a geometric conception of Logos as "an intelligible sphere whose center is everywhere and circumference nowhere".3  Today, this geometric mind-bender could be represented by an infinite hypersphere, a four-dimensional sphere with infinite radius. Rather than a standard spherical plane with a surface and a radius, an infinite hypersphere is actually a spherical state of polarity, the polarity between singularity and infinity, with the infinity being a dimension beyond our three-dimensional experience of infinity.


Intriguingly, an interpretation of unified field physics suggests that a Universal Hypersphere, a hyperspherical polarity of the Universal Superforce, is the most fundamental expression of existence which can be realized from the physical plane, like a Geometric Logos. In this picture, all quantum processes which define matter and energy, along with the seed of individual consciousness, are represented by simple geometric elements within the hyperspherical geometry, radius rays (or vectors) and equatorial rings.

This possibility provides a geometric source for the wave mechanics of matterenergy in spacetime, while maintaining an underlying level of all possible realities in an unmanifest state. Many will recognize the key significance of this to the wavefunction of quantum physics and in the way matter and energy seem to behave.

The geometry can also represent such metaphysical principles as the male and female movements of Creation and the polarity of time and consciousness. Perhaps most interesting, it can also beautifully represent the nature of the Trikaya, the three-bodied unfoldment of Creation from the One Reality. The central singularity is the first body of the Trikaya, the ‘shining forth’ of the infinite vectors of its creative expression is the second body, with the ‘cosmic dance’ of the Universe itself being the third.

As strange as this might seem, the idea actually makes more sense than having to imagine there must be an infinite number of parallel universes, for example, in order to account for the superposition of all possible realities inherent in the quantum wavefunction. It is especially intriguing considering that it also provides a better understanding of all the other bizarre implications of modern physics, while revealing a fascinating insight into the metaphysics of the Ancient Wisdom.


This is basically an interpretation of the Kaluza-Klein theory, a classic unified field theory from Einstein's era, forms of which are used in string theory today. In the Kaluza-Klein model, we are living in a five-dimensional (or more) spacetime in which the fourth dimension of space is confined to tiny Planck-scale spheres, an infinite number of them filling all of space.

The unification of all things inherent in the quantum entanglement of modern physics, as well as in the philosophy of Nondualism, is realized in the possibility that all of those tiny fourth dimension spheres which fill all of three-dimensional space, are actually different rings on the same sphere within that fourth dimension, representing every quantum process in the Universe combined into one reality

With this geometry representing the quantum realm in its most fundamental form, it can be thought of as forming the central reality of any of the current unified field models, including string theory. It is interesting to note that a four-dimensional hypersphere could be a ring on a five-dimensional hypersphere, which could be a ring on a six-dimensional hypersphere, and so on, each representing a new set of infinite possibilities, and all centered on the same singularity.

The Universal Hypersphere could be thought of as a geometric version of the Wavefunction of the Universe, introduced by Hugh Everett in 1956 in a thesis draft and written up by James Hartle and Stephen Hawking in 1983.4 It is essentially a series of all possible histories through which the Universe could have evolved. (The Wavefunction of the Universe is actually an idealized mathematical expression, using an infinite series of harmonic oscillators, but it does have applications in quantum cosmology.)


Anyone who has experienced an actual mystical realization of oneness will tell you that if we were not transcendentally unified, we would not even be here. Of course, that is a subjective experience and belief and, like someone who has had a near-death experience, the effect on awareness and overall worldview is very difficult to share with anyone else in a convincing way.

Science does not need a transcendental oneness to do objective modeling of the Universe, but without it, we are left with the very bizarre observations of Relativity and quantum physics, and the great mysteries of the Universal Singularity of Big Bang cosmology and the Universal Superforce of unified field physics remain largely uninterpreted.

Only when we fully integrate mystical knowledge into our worldview do the strange implications of modern science begin to make sense. At the same time, the language of modern science becomes a great help in understanding what the Ancient Wisdom is all about.

Human consciousness has indeed come full circle. We have arrived where we started in the sense that an ancient understanding has once again been brought to light. At the same time, we have taken a quantum leap forward in the evolution of human awareness.


Slay therefore with the sword of wisdom the doubt that lies in thy heart.
Be one in self harmony, in Yoga, and arise, great warrior, arise.

from the Bhagavad Gita
(Song of the Holy One)





1Sri Aurobindo, The Future Evolution of Man, 1963, Sri Aurobindo Ashram
2Lama Anagarika Govinda, Creative Meditation and Multi-Dimensional Consciousness, 1976, Theosophical Publishing House
3Book of Twenty-Four Philosophers, 12th-century text
4J. B. Hartle and S. W. Hawking, “Wave function of the Universe”, Physical Review D, Volume 28 Number 12, December 15, 1983




FIRST DAY:  August 1, 1996
as "of Quasars & Quanta"

(from writings begun in 1984)

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(a feature from the early days of the Web)




FULLCIRCLE – The Geometry of Modern Metaphysics
is as an ebook covering the main discussions on this Website.
Click the cover image to download the PDF.



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An Exercise in
Jnana Yoga